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Just Because Your Mad At Someone Doesn't Mean You Stop Loving Them!

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

Just because your mad at someone doesn't mean you stop loving them! Amazing quote but I get it at the same time. Its hard to show someone that you love them when your angry. Especially when you don't want to do things they are used to you doing. It makes it even harder. I will do those things I don't want to do and push myself to do them when I'm angry because if I don't I'll regret it later.

My opinion...... When someone doesn't respect you or your property when they are angry I feel like there could be a few different reasons 1 because they don't feel like you deserve the love 2 because they don't think it's possible to love somebody while you're angry with them 3 because they think you deserve it or 4 because you are rude and disrespectful when your angry also. It's like they forget how to love you in that moment and do everything they can to get back at you, make you feel how they are feeling, or to make you not want to do it anymore. I truly believe that it is really difficult for some people too still treat you like they normally do when they let their emotions do the talking. Which I have a huge problem in that department. I let my emotions drag me around like their little bitch. Not anymore though. I am putting my foot down and treating at the very least, my boyfriend Craig, with all the love I have for him no matter what emotions I'm feeling. And for example we literally just got into an argument and I told him I'm not fighting with him anymore and I told him how much I loved him and how much you meant to me and we're okay with each other right now. It doesn't always happen like that but me trying that out, it worked. I recently started reading which has stuff on how to save a relationship because there was things that I've done that I regret and have been tearing us down and I received an email saying that there was something that most couples don't know of that will save their marriage and that is ignoring your problems all together. Sounds dumb, doesn't it? There are many marriages being saved because they did that as we speak. Well, I can't tell you whether it will work or not but I just have this gut feeling it will work and it will change your relationship as you know it and possibly save it also. So please next time you get angry try your hardest to still be the loved one they count on.

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