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My Life, My Story, Your Gain!
Men on Beach


     My name is Nicole Eddy, my friends call me nikki. I decided to create a website a few years ago in 2015 when i was dating a artist name Stevie Hydro. I had created a website for him while i was a Promotional Manager for him and I enjoyed it a lot. Why not put the two things I love doing together, writing (well talking), and creating websites.



    Now I've added a Forum, A shop, mainly for Rubber Ducks ( and any duck that you want on request) and my Personal Blog. In my blog, Quotes with my opinion, my life and a lot about my identity being stolen and how you can go about getting yours back if its been stolen. Also Identity Theft Prevention. Feel free to Email me or message me anytime and I can also put post on my blog for you if Approved first. 

This Is My Personal Story....

I Am 30yrs old with 4 kids I have a 13yr old daughter, a 10yr and 9yr son and then a daughter that passed away at a month old Nevaeh Hope Eddy. People say her last name is Rew but her birth certificate says Eddy. Anyway, I was a good kid till i hit the age 13 then i started acting out and at 15 i started using drugs and drinking and then at 17 i had my first kid. At 19 my daughter nevaeh was born and passed away after i had been clean and sober for a couple years. I lost my mind. No excuse though. I relapsed for a year and then got clean for 5 i had all my kids 1 year apart from each other. all with the same babies dad except the first one. I relapsed in 2014 and bt 2015 i was in prison for multiple thefts of motor vehicle charges and an allude even though i got away. Weird. I got out in 2019 I was out for a year in between but went right back. Went i got out this last time though, i got my daughter and saw her progress and fell in love with being a mother again and have been clean for almost a year on july 3rd 2021 ill be clean for 1 year!!!!!! My birthday!!!!

Nicole Eddy 2019 In Vancouver Washington
My Story
My Life
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