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Difficult and meaningful will always bring more satisfaction than easy and meaningless. Maxime

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

Difficult and meaningful will always bring more satisfaction than easy and meaningless. Maxime Lagacé

The harder you work for something, the more sweat and tears you put into something, then whatever you achieved in the end is going to feel so much better. Not just that I'm a true believer in, if you accomplished it on your own then your going to appreciate it so much more. Then in return your going to do everything you can to not lose that accomplishment or make it unwarranted due to how much you are truly proud of it.

In my life this qoute means the most in a situation involving my relationship. As I've mentioned before I was unfaithful at one point and it destroyed me. Since then I've not only proved to myself that I can be trusted but I'm slowly starting to gain the trust of my loved one back. I no longer put myself in compromising positions to be given the chance to be unfaithful. I found my soulmate and honesty and respect are the biggest in his eyes so that means their importance is huge in mine. I don't have anywhere to live and instead of using the resources I can that involve other men I have pushed my little princess ass to live in my car and develop new resources and learn how to progress and thrive on my own. He will soon see how big of a place he holds in my heart. I love you Craig Allen Ness.

Update: im not homeless anymore but shortly after i wrote that he left me for some chick he was with when he was 14. He regreted it. Im still improving day to day and going to continue that because that's what i deserve.

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