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In My Opinion Pinterest Profile Top Pins and Photography....

On this page Im going to add my favorite Pins on pinterest and Blogs that I post due to Pinterest. I am really excited to find out about Pinterest because I heard that this app/Website is meant for people specifically clicking on your pin and getting redirected to your website. My goal is to generate content people love, put up ads that make money, and be able to spend more time at home with my children. As of right now, I struggle every day trying to figure out what we are going to do next. Where we are going to go when we can't stay here anymore. Its a constant battle in my head and weight on my heart. So instead of working ONLY a full-time job, I decided to create a website so i can generate an income and get my daughter and I into our own home like we deserve. Also,to fight to get my two boys back into my home once I get that home. Please share or follow me on Pinterest.


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One of my First Pinterest posts that I have added to my website  My Trip to La Grande with my daughter. We had so much fun. 


Upnext- A man I only knew for 2 weeks tried to kill me.           published by 8-20-2021


About me and my business

So if you are wondering, what is this website about? Does she sale anything? Are there any benefits to subscribing her website? 



Well, This website started out as my personal blog and that was it. I didn't know what to say, do, write,

or where to begin. I am regisitered with the state of oregon as a business and I do sale few things that I have laying around the house. I also have some dropshipping product. That isn't what I started out with though. 

    Now, there is a lot to benefit from revisiting my site. For one, anyone that subscribes now will not have to pay for any subscriptions in the future since they didm't start out with any. For two, I love to do research and write, write, write. I will become known for my website within time guaranteed. I am determined and i know for a fact that i won't give up. So, are you wondering what my niche is? At first I wanted to make it about technology, or cars. Then I wanted to make it about Identity Theft. Now, to be completely honest, I really think that it is just a personal blog with Quotes that follows with my opinion on them. I have a lot of insight and I love to dive into the human brain and how we tick. 

   Recently, I had a very traumatic event happen to me. I think I might of finally found my niche. 

    I want to start talking to everyone about toxic relationships. How to avoid them, how to survive them, how to see them before they begin, and most of all how to get out of them with a clean slate. I believe that along with that i can do affiliate marketing with relationship counseling, self-helps on loving yourself, and much more. I know enough about them to start a few websites based on Abusive/Toxic Relationships. My intro into this topic is going to be about Control and why its not something you want to give away to someone. How you can notice the signs before it happens, and how to gain control back if its already to late. 

   This is the second time I have came back around to Relationship Advice so to speak and I think I'm going to stick to it. 

     I'm really excited and I hope you are too. Please follow me on Pinterest or Facebook. Or Share my Website. Ask yourself this one question real quick, Is there one relationship in your life, mother, daughter, father, son, cousin, aunt, uncle, gma, gpa, or with yourself, that you wish you could figure out or improve on? If its a yes then your in the right place. If Im still starting out then go ahead and add your question to my forum and I will gladly do every bit of research and write amazing content about your one question or surrounding topic. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you again.

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