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What Hurts You Today

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

"What Hurts You Today, Makes You Stronger Tomorrow."

This is another really good quote. I feel like it's meaning the things that we think are hurting us, are actually helping us. Like a horrible break up. You learned from it, didn't you? Whether you learned that your ex is a total asshole or that maybe it might be you. No matter what the lesson is, at least try to accept it as a learning experience in one way, shape, or form.

In some situations you are able to heal within time and in some situations it is so much harder, even with time. Like, losing a child for instance. I'm never going to get over that. I honestly don't even know if there was a lesson to learn from it. Holy Crap! Yes, there was. The lesson is to love the ones that I do have in my life as hard as I can. They might not be here tomorrow. Having Nevaeh in my life also taught me that there are more things in life to live for. Rather than living for money or something so small in comparison to a human life that is so precious to me. Nevaeh taught me that it is okay to not be okay and even though its really hard, its okay to let go. Sometimes you have no choice and the universe does it for you but if you are given that choice don't be scared like I was. I waited and let God or the universe take Nevaeh instead of the doctors and I still don't know if that was the right thing. Maybe I made her suffer a couple days longer, maybe if i did it myself then it would kill me for the rest of my life. The what-ifs. Nevaeh passing away felt like it killed me. In the end she made me stronger then I could ever imagine. A better Mother. A better person in general. She put a foot mark on who I am today just like each and everything that happens in your life. Whether big or small. Bad or good. Or both. Its going to create the person you are today. Its going to teach you the lessons you need to learn and the lessons you need to teach your kids or grandchildren. Life is going to continue to repeat itself with the same situations, different people, different times, lots of pain and lots of laughter. Now, how you let that affect you is your choice. Why not take the good out of each and everything that happens in your life and create something AMAZING, STRONG AND BEAUTIFUL. So exactly how you are right now just improving every single day.

I wish I could think of a bad situation and give you the lesson I believe you would take from that completely bad situation. Also, any possible ways to turn it good but I can't think of one completely horrible, no good, situation right now. I'll get back to you. Have an amazing day!!!!!!!

So getting back to you.

I have been with this guy for a few years now and if we break apart its going to destroy me for awhile. I have learned so much from him though. I have learned loyalty, respect, love and much more. Even little things that are informational. If i were to number out how many things I have learned from him I would probably be way passed 1,000. We are hurting a lot right now though. So there is one example. A very good example.

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