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Nicole Eddy

In My Opinion

My Birthday is July 3rd, 1990. I have four children, three that are alive and one that passed away at a month old. I didn't start this blog to earn money, although that is part of my goal with this website. To be completely honest I started "In my opinion" because I wanted to work through all my trauma in my life and to try to get most my memories back. Positive or negative events all seem to slip away from me. I don't know if I suppress it or I just straight forget it. I'll tell you this though, I definitely want to remember all of them. I decided the best way to do it was to put it all down on paper. Well that got boring real quick and was hurting my hands to write that much. Long story short I came to the conclusion that I wanted to share my life story with others. In hopes that one day my story will touch someone and help them in their journey. 

A little bit more about me. I am 5'1" and 112lbs I have a full-time job along with making money on the side. I struggle at times keeping this website published so if you ever notice it down, which has been rare lately, then it will be back up within he next day or two. I am very outgoing and have a very flirtatious personality but that only means that I'm kind hearted. It does not mean that i want to get into bed with you. A lot of men mistake it for that and to be honest, I absolutely hate it. I want to be wanted and loved for who I am and not what I look like. My life is complicated because I created that for myself but I finally figured out who I am and what I am going towards in my life. That in itself was a very difficult task. I feel so much better now that I know who I am and I would highly recommend it to anyone that is struggling with it. I'll even create a blog post surrounding how i learned to love myself and find myself all at the same time. Anyways, another thing about me is that I am a family person. I have always loved family over anyone and wanted to be close to mine. Like my dad, my mom, and my sister but that was always really hard for my family. I don't know what it is about me that my sister won't accept but she hasn't spoken to me in over a year. It devastating and I wish it was different. My sister raised me due to the fact that my mom traveled for work and my dad was a truck driver so it was just her and I for awhile. 


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