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A Little Something About Changing

Updated: Jun 11, 2022

A little something about changing. Which really isn't little at all, is it? Its huge its reality.

There is nothing permanent except change


This quote made me have so much hope for my future. I'm constantly worried about the changes I made reverting back to how they were. Coming along this quote was reinsurance that it's not. My change will be permanent and I will be the best person I can be for the love of my life. I won't disappoint him nor my children anymore. All of them deserve to have me in their lives and I won't continue to take that away from them. My life has not been easy but do us addicts every really consider how hard it is for our kids and family. I as an addict was selfish and never thought about my kids or my lover and even before drugs I didn't put my kids first. I have been apologizing ever since.


It is really hard to change and easier to just jump right back to the way you were before. Its comfortable its what you are used to. I honestly struggle with my changes everyday. I want to revert back to the way I was before simply because in that state of mind I don't feel pain. I'm not happy though. People get hurt and I always end up alone. So, I keep trying and pushing to be the best I can be for myself. Change is hard but its worth it. There is another saying that i learned in prison, actually a couple.

Nothing changes, if nothing changes.

Your not changing unless your uncomfortable. - Not sure how this one goes but that is what it comes down to.

I hate change because its like running a mile longer then you can handle but once you finish its the best feeling. So go ahead try it out for a change. Ha! Ha! Play on words. Love it!

Anyways, I've changed for the better. I may have done it for someone else but in the end I did it for me. Its been the best decision I have ever made and I will never regret it. Whether I stick with the person in the end or not, at least I came out a better person because of it. I can only hope so anyways.

Do me a favor and ask yourself this, What's one thing I can change today to make ME a better person tomorrow?

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