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To a really good guy RED in my life that's hopefully gonna see this....

Friendships are hard to come around if you haven't noticed that....when you get into a relationship you start with the controlling, jealousy, white lies, and just plain out wanting time away from each other after awhile. And if things don't end up working out then that person is gone for good. I realized after I lost my cousin to a relationship there are some people I'm just not willing to lose and you happen to be one of them. One of the few that have always had my back no matter what and loved me for who I am. Idc about your history you don't care about mine. We are amazing friends and I love that. Is that so fucking bad? I love you so much in a good way that I don't wanna lose you and I'm sorry that it hurt you but I just want to keep it that way. Cuz to certain types of people I'm not a good girlfriend to have and I don't want to hurt you and I don't want to ruin our friendship. So plz understand where I'm coming from at the very least. I've known you since I was a teenager a kid pretty much. You know A LOT about me. And been through a lot with me. So let's continue our journey together.....what do you say???

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Nikki Marie
Nikki Marie
Jul 10, 2022

Yes you are.


johnny watson
johnny watson
Jun 07, 2021

You know i always have your back no matter what. Even at times I have felt extremely hurt all it took was you calling and saying you needed help and I would be right there for you. Guess that's how you can tell at the very least I am a true friend.

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