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Some Never Have The Chance To Tell Their Children They Love Them

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

Some Never Have The Chance To Tell Their Children They Love Them

With my daughter that passed away I was able to tell her before she passed but some don't have that chance. So embrace the things that you do get to do that sometimes you take for granted. Say it as many times as you can, as loud as you can, in front of all their friends, before you leave to go ANYWHERE, and before you go to bed. This goes for anything in life, what do you have that others don't? A car, a house instead of an apartment, AC, money in your wallet, a job, a true friend, able to have kids, a sister (that loves you, cuz mine doesnt), a brother, a mom, a dad, and some many more things the list could go on forever. We take each and everything for granted and don't realize that there are people out there that don't get those things or have access to those things. Even in a 4bd house with a good job and a nice family there are things you don't have that others do or vise versa. All I'm trying to say is take a step back and be greatful for each and everything in your life ESPECIALLY your children because they could be taken from you or you could be taken from them at any moment and the last thing anyone would want to remember is a bad memory or a sour memory. In my opinion I don't tell my children I love them enough and I'm going to make it a goal to tell them I love them an extra few times each every week whether they see the point to it or not. My daughter Nevaeh isn't here but she can hear me and I'll tell her also loud and proud until I'm resting with her. Also, don't forget to tell yourself that you love YOU. That is the most important piece to the puzzle. If you can't love yourself then it's hard to give someone respect, care, and honesty. I'm not going to say you can't love them because yes you can. It doesn't stop you from being able to love it stops you from having self respect, self care, and treating others the way they need to be treated. You still love your kids and parents and others. You just most likely treat them like dog crap. Lol. Anyways, I LOVE YOU FAITH, CHRISTOPHER JR., KYLAR, AND NEVAEH. I want to say I love you to my babies dad and I hope that one day he gets the help he needs and can find his way back to sanity for the sake of his children. For him and I have amazing children that deserve both their parents. (Not together that's for sure) lol I hope this post helped you in some way because I know this quote helps me each and every day.

Be greatful for what you might not have tomorrow, what you gained today, and what you think you'll have forever.

-Nicole eddy (I just created that woohoo) lol

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