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OYO Hotel in Kalama, WA Horrible Customer Service Refused to refund money

So here is the story with this. I went to go stay at a hotel for the night in kalama i reserved the room in the late evening. After i reserved it i started heading that way. Once i got there i got out and knocked on the door, the windows, called the hotel number, and called the number that i did the reservation online with. The only response that i got was from a male that said i needed to call them in the morning due to the fact that they were closed and i would be able to get a refund in the morning. So i give them a call back in the morning after getting a hotel room somewhere else and i call the hotel and they say that they cant help me. So i finally get through to someone that can help which is and they are more then willing to help and call the hotel and ask for the refund for me due to the fact that i didn't stay there. So i was sitting on hold for 30 minutes and hung up and called back. The lady came on the phone and said that she was trying everything that she could but the lady said that she wouldn'

t refund my money due to the fact that it says in the guest policy that they close at 11pm and i should of checked in on time. NO WHERE IN THE GUEST POLICY DOES IT SAY THAT THE OFFICE CLOSES AT 11PM. It states that if you do not show up you will not get a refund but i tried calling and canceling, i tried getting doing something about it as soon as it happened so there should be no reason to not refund me my money back since i was trying to cancel it. I was directed and told that the only was to get my money back was to call the hotel back in the morning by the guy on the phone and that's is exactly why i waited. I feel like that is very poor service on their part and them stealing money from people like that should not be legal. i worked hard for that money and now i cant pay my car insurance because i thought it was going to go back on my card in the morning when i called.That's the only reason I paid for another hotel somewhere else and used part of my car insurance money. Im completely and utterly screwed now.

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