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Avast Review/ Identity Prevention and Protection

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

Avast Review/ Identity Prevention and Protection

Okay so I want to start with a 5 star rating for this software because not only do they go above and beyond, they explain how to use EVERYTHING, the product just keeps going on and on of what it can do, and it helps you prevent and protect your identity in real life situations. It even has an option to give them a call and get emergency cash if you got stranded and needed a way home and the cash to there and whatever expenses you needed on the way. How awesome is that?

Now these reviews that I do are literally just product or places that I have gone to and had so much of a horrible experience that i needed to tell you guys about it or in this case that I OMFG Love it so much that I need to tell you guys about it.

Avast not only do they let you share with up to 10 devices, its only 25$ to a little under 40$ depending on what Avast product you get per YEAR for the product and yes I said per year. They do not give you an option to pay monthly but for that cheap who would want to pay monthly. Now, if you only need it for your mobile phone and don't want to pay that much I do believe they have a monthly plan on google play. I believe the sharing option can be used on every single one. Which only brings the price up to 1$ or 2$ more a month. Which i mentioned previously that they only do annual subscriptions.

Now, when it comes to having any issues with their product I would like to give customer service a 5 star rating also. They lady that helped me went above and beyond. I was cooking dinner and trying to get other stuff done at the same time but still responding in a timely manor. She was very patient with me and very helpful. I would slightly mention a problem and next thing I know after she was done working on one problem she would start on the next. Minutes later, mind you not. So she wasn't distracted or doing anything else. She was focused on what I needed taken care of. It was an amazing experience with technical support. With the issues that i was having also she could of just pushed it off to something else or someone else and she didn't. I contact Avast about Breachguard not working properly and then said something about thinking I had someone remotely connecting to my PC, and she took time out of her day to use a special took that Avast has to check my whole computer. She also went through my computer manually and checked it herself. Another thing that amazed me that she did was when i was moving my mouse around to try to find our chat session again she just took over and found it for me so that I could type a message and talk to her. I can't say this enough but that was the BEST technical support that I have ever had. Now my issue was not resolved but she did make sure that nothing was going on with my computer otherwise. She always asked permission before she did anything. She even made sure other products were working with their product and so on.

Now about the product Breachguard, is just about my favorite out of all of them. You know those annoying data collection agencies that sell your information to other companies? Well we don't know exactly where all of our information is at and if they are selling it or not. Avast does though. All you have to do is fill out one form with your Name, Date of birth, address and Email, and they will do the rest. They send a letter to the companies that is selling your information and even follow up with you after they are done. I know for a fact that they do also because this company other then Avast sent me a email of conformation saying I was taken off of their list. How amazing is that to have a company do something for you and then you see the finished work in the end letting you know that they did actually do what they said they were going to do. Crazy, Right? They also have the option to manually send the letters if for some reason it didn't through or if yours isn't working. There is also a feature that shows you if your passwords are weak or if you have reused a old password. Then there is multiple guides and you can click on each and every one and it tells you, like my first one on my list is, delete your amazon browsing history because you might now want anyone seeing that. Really cool right? Oh and stop Facebook from accessing your data and it shows you step by step what you do to fix that.

Avast has so many amazing features and products to choose from that can fit your exact needs. All you have to do is do some trials and figure out which ones are for you and which ones aren't. I guess that's why they have so many different separate applications that you pay for. Its just so that you aren't paying 200$ for something that you barely use any of the features. If you need to use all of them then you pay separately but for the same price as it would be if you bought it as one you can purchase all of them.

There is so many different ones, Breachguard, Anti-tracking, Battery saver, Avast clean-up, Avast secure line, driver update. Avast VPN, and Avast premium security. So go ahead and go on over and just take a look. If you go through the process to pay for it and then back out it stops you with an offer for a free trial. That way you can check them out for free.

Thank you for reading this.

And no you don't have to download it from a disk I just liked this picture.

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