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The List Goes On..MY Car!!!! Oh and Sandy Blvd Point S Tire & Auto

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

The List Goes On..MY Car!!!! Oh and Sandy Blvd Point S Tire & Auto

So here is the list of what's wrong with my cars Suspension alone. And For the low price of $1800 dollars it could all be fixed. HA HA HA HA (very slow sarcastic laugh) so listen here I had a realization after I left this place that I so wish I would of had while I was there. I was told by this company Sandy Blvd Point S Tire & Auto that I'm missing a very important part to my wheels. The hub centric ring to be exact and that they highly recommend me to get them installed. In the same sentence said, but I don't know anyone that would sale those so your best bet is to get new wheels. So here I am confused as all hell thinking I absolutely couldn't find these rings anywhere because, I mean come on, a auto shop couldn't find them neither could I, Right? So now we are talking about me spending hundreds of dollars on new rings. They failed to mention it was because I have after market wheels and they don't come with them. I already told them that I don't have the money for the whole suspension work up that they want to do. That I can only afford the inspection but they had me go to this website and see if i could get financed. Well, I was able to get financed for like 800 dollars worth of work and thank God I didn't give them a penny of that other then the inspection. After reading the details in the picture below I found out that it was due to the fact that I have after market wheels. Okay, well I'm not a dumb blonde. I may be Blonde but I'm not dumb. Nice try Sandy Blvd! Everyone drives around with wheels like this all the time so there has to be a solution, right? I decide to search up Hub centric rings for after market wheels and Holy Shit. You can buy them just about anywhere you go. I'm shocked I feel betrayed and hurt. Not just that, they said that you can drive like that also. It does put a lot of pressure on your lug nuts so you have to be careful and preferably purchase some down the line but if I've been driving without them for almost a year now and who knows how long the owner before me, what makes you think that its not straight and tight enough to not put to much pressure on my lug nuts? My only conclusion is, your company wanted to get one over on me. Not just that i had a really respectful employee drop me off down the road to what I thought was the max to try to get me home and the max was no where to be found. The boss guy was super rude to his employees snipping at them and barking orders in a disrespectful way. Oh and said they had an "appointment" at 10am open. What does that normally mean to you? That you get in at 10am or around then, right? Nope, my car wasn't even looked at until the afternoon. They have no care or concern for their costumers and I would not recommend them to anyone. Honestly, these are the reasons I don't go to auto shops and why ill never go to another one again. I will be leaving a review on google and putting a link to my website from there and hopefully they see this because it was a bad experience and a waste of my time and money. I told them over the phone that i work on cars. Why not have a decent heart and get me the list i needed tell me what needed to be fixed it what order and immediate danger or not and go from there. HA omg they didn't even explain any of it to me and what would happen if what broke or what to look out for if I kept driving it. Nothing like that. So in my head my car is perfectly safe to drive right now. 100% if i was a dumbass and knew absolutely nothing about cars. I have more wrong with it then it says on that inspection. Another thing, You guys said i need an oil change so why did you tell me I HAD ABSOLUETLY NO OIL IN MY CAR WHEN I LEFT YOUR SHOP! hmmmm??? money hungry much? makes me wonder if you messed with my car at all. have a nice day Sandy Point Blvd i honestly hope you turn your ways for the better because you have a lot of employees with amazing attitudes that probably get a lot of shit from customers A LOT. Oh and the details you see in the picture, I had to ask for multiple times and it wasn't until after I got my car back that i was able to see all that. So they can't say that I had that information because I did not and they knew that. They aren't new at this and neither am I. In my opinion messing with my car and taking my money is as bad as identity theft because it hits you pretty hard. You can see that this screenshot was taken at 12:16 because I didn't get my car back till the next day. Which they said they tried to call me and I don't have one missed call from them. I checked that also. Wow SMH!!!!!

This picture below was all I was able to see until I picked up my car the next day.

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