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HP Support Customer Service Review

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

HP Support Customer Service Review

I really don't know what made me start writing these reviews online but its fun and I like doing it. I try to make sure I am as respectful as possible to people and I try to make sure that Its an amazing review because I don't like saying anything bad about people.

With that said I was talking to HP Support for 3 hours last night trying to put in an order for my daughters computer. It doesn't turn on and because its under warranty they were going to send me a new charger to see if that worked. For one the guy that I was speaking to always took more then a few minutes to respond. Only a few times did he say please hold on for a few minutes. When he said that it was like 20 or 30 minutes wait. It made it seem really fishy. For good reason also.

Towards the end he said he need my Debit card information for colleterial. I made sure and asked, "My card isn't going to be charged at all, correct?" He said, "Absolutely". Then he said to hold on for a little bit and that it would take him 10-20 minutes. 30 minutes later he came back. Then he told me to follow this link and put in my card information. You what the first thing I noticed was? The dollar charge in the upper right hand of the form. So there is one lie from him and then when I did it, it didn't go through. So I went back and he told him he asked me to do it again. So I did, still nothing. He then proceeded with asking me if I had a alternate card to use. We tried again with a different card and it still didn't go through. I only tried this card twice. A few minutes later he decided to say that their system was down and he would have to finish this in a few hours. I would have to reach back out to him. I was okay with that until, my card started being charged over and over again. By the time it was finally done, I had 4 charges of 1$ that went through and 2 charges that didn't. I didn't even enter my card in that many times. So then I when I asked him to make it stop he decided to say that we needed to finish this in 24 hours. Why do you need to wait 24 hours to finish my order when the 1$ process had already gone through multiple times. Therefor I put in my good faith, where is his? So I asked to speak to his supervisor and he said I have to wait 24 hours. What kind of crap is that? First you charge me more then you are supposed to. You take forever to respond the whole time. You don't let me speak with your supervisor immediately and you push me off the chat with you when my card is being charged and while I'm semi freaking out. I'm not even freaking out on him. So I just tell him that I respectfully request to have this taken care of now since I'm already charged and that was the reason that they could not finish it before. He still didn't care or respond to my question of why we couldn't finish it. So now I'm flustered and worried about my card and he gives me no reassurance by letting me speak to someone else or figure out what is going on with the card. It just seems really unprofessional to do that to someone. I don't understand why people think that, that is okay. It just makes my skin crawl.

Hopefully I'm able to come back on here and say something good about the follow up considering this is still the next morning so nothing has happened with it yet. I am going to contact them and ask them about that asap. Actually, right now no, after a nap,

Thank you hope everyone enjoys their day and stays cool.

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