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Omg I Forgot I Even Wrote This And Now I have No Idea What I Was Going To Share With You. lol

That was as far as I got. I have absolutely no idea what my amazing idea was and I'm going to be honest that was probably a really good idea and It probably would of been life changing if only I could remember LOL!!!!! Stupid fucking brain.......I really need to figure out this memory thing.

("Memory .catch yourself saying I don't know way to often. .I'm going to share some personal info.

So I got into this relationship I'm in thinking the same way I normally think, that this is going to be the one I do everything right with. I won't screw up and all of the above. Well little did I know I have a problem with memory and I forget that all the time. I hate it more then anything. It takes way more time and energy to try to remember things then I thought it did. It's a real big problem in my life and my boyfriend is trying his hardest to help me and make sure we can make it through this but I make it very hard for him to do that. He has been amazing with all of it. I think I might have some of my answers and a lot of the tools I need to get through this. I don't even know if it is a technic that a therapist would come up with honestly. )

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