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Ask Me Anything?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Updated: Jun 1, 2021

Is he/she the person that your going to spend the rest of your life with? Only you can decide that in the end. I'll throw out some tips, ideas and suggestions. If it's one thing that I know to a tee, is relationships and how to fix them. I have never been able to lead by example but anyone who has ever taken my advice has ended up happy for years to come. When I say advice I mean on EVERYTHING. I don't mind if it is sexual or non sexual I will find the answer or know the answer. I want your happiness to be okay in the end even if you don't at the moment. Everyone deserves to be happy and no one deserves to hurt. On a real note though if i can't answer the question for you i will find the answer for you. Thank you for reading my Blog. Enjoy.

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