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Updated: Aug 22, 2021

So I'm aloud to have my own opinion so before anybody reads this I just want to clarify that everything that is said in this blog is 100% my opinion and nothing for all do respect....

Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992)

  1. PreambleArticle IArticle IIArticle IIIArticle IVArticle VArticle VIArticle VIIAmendment IAmendment IIAmendment IIIAmendment IVAmendment VAmendment VIAmendment VIIAmendment VIIIAmendment IXAmendment XAmendment XIAmendment XIIAmendment XIIIAmendment XIVAmendment XVAmendment XVIAmendment XVIIAmendment XVIIIAmendment XIXAmendment XXAmendment XXIAmendment XXIIAmendment XXIIIAmendment XXIVAmendment XXVAmendment XXVIAmendment XXVII

  2. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So lets get this started....

Okay so just to inform everyone ill be gone for 3 days (not to long) due to my DOC and DOSA requirements that i need to check in when asked and i got so busy with work and my blog and now I'm going to jail for missing a check in. For doing everything they have been wanting me to do since day one and i finally get it and stand up off the ground and then they don't just push they throw me down and its fucked up that they terrify you like that. Its starts a whole new type of PTSD and its completely wrong in every aspect of life. It a legal type of torture. It makes people that are doing amazing flinch. They should go to jail for that. And if its wrong for me to get to into my work then fuck shouldn't that say in big black bold lettering "YOUR DOING SOMETHING WRONG SO TAKE THE STICK OUT OF YOUR ASS AND FIX IT"  But No, they are not wrong about anything so its us. were wrong we dipped our hand in that cookie jar that off limits. fuck that seriously who the fuck died and make you god. AHHHHHHHHHH I hate this, I get it i screwed up and got in trouble and those people I committed my crime against didn't deserve that either but two wrongs DO NOT make a right. so come on law enforcement AKA torture specialist, do you want us to succeed or fail? cuz if you want us to succeed your not doing it right or sending out the correct message. Someone that is scared to walk out there door and enjoy the morning sun just because they think that DOC might just decide that they are the one that is getting tortured today is completely wrong. Who in the fuck invented these laws anyways. well at least that gives therapist job one good thing out of it. Therapist shouldn't have job security. Oh yeah and in no way shape or form am i doggin on the human that apply for these jobs you are literally just doing what THE LAW tells you to do. At least it gets you a paycheck, Right!!! So have any of you ever heard of a cop or lawyer or a judge wrongly incarcerating someone? Of course you have or its been done to you. I really wish that i could get SOMEONE to see this post that would make a change cuz us little people meaning me dont mean shit. And then I get in trouble for not reporting an address change WTF i thought that's what REPORT day was for was to REPORT any changes cuz i got in trouble for not reporting that before report day. Now how in the fuck does that work???? What has the law taken from you??? When it wasn't your fault??? and i mean when it WASNT your fault. Leave a comment let me know!!!!!!!!!

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