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Getting Snappy At The ER....How Addicts Are Treated In Hospitals

So as everyone may already be able to tell i kinda have this underlining attitude that i have a hard time controlling. Most days i just want people that breathe to stop. Not always my intentions to feel that way but it happens. So first off it took me about 3 days to get into the hospital and to check in. Offer your man pussy and good pussy at that, you become home free. Reason after reason i didn't have to go and i was really good at it also,. So anyways, were in the waiting room for about 2 hours maybe less but time is dragging me through the mud and leaving me for the pigs. Now I've had some bad experiences at hospitals as in, my daughter passing away being the biggest one but also being sexually assaulted by a doctor. So i tend to throw a 2 year old fit in a 29 year old body. Which honestly isn't that cute at all. So there is one bitch, me whining and crying to get my way.

Male Nurse, "yes, may i help you?'

Me, "yes, I've had some bad experiences at this hospital involving a doctor and would like to have my boyfriend in the room with me. Is that possible?'

Male Nurse, "ummm. Let me check real quick and ill get back to you on that one,"

Then when the nurse returned,

Male Nurse, "I'm sorry mam but you two are going to have to be in separate rooms."

Well of course this pissed me off.

Me, "Fine then ill just check out. There is no way i'm going to be seen by your inappropriate touching doctors without my boyfriend or someone else with me."

Male Nurse, "Okay well let me check again with the charge Doctor."

Me, "okay."

So you tell me. Did they even ask the doctor? Ha of course not. lol what idiots. why even make me think you did if you didn't.

Some people just think that it is okay

anyways, we finally get them to say yes because they said my condition is pretty serious they dont want me leaving. so we go back and get put in a room. i decide to start opening the cupboard and looking for a cup to get a drink of water. My nurse walks in and looks at me hella weird. So she explains she is my nurse and all and then hands me a gown and asks me to get changed. In the mean time she leaves the door and curtains wide open.

She comes back and all she says is "Stay out of the draws and quit looking through our stuff.

I proceed to tell her what i was doing, but of course that doesn't matter she is already profiling me due to me being an addict and all. Its not easy going into a hospital being an addict. you are ALWAYS judged. So this nurse proceeds to come into the room multiple times just to check in on us and make sure we aren't going though stuff.

Awhile later a female nurse comes in the room to draw my blood. I mentioned to her that the other nurse wanted to start an IV so i was wondering why she wasn't doing that. She said that she would of if she was told to and decides to go ask the doctor. She came back and said obviously the other lady wanted me to suffer and have to go through it twice. That's when we decided to tell her about the other nurse. After that we didn't see that mean nurse again until discharge.

We barely got checked out, no test were ran and our health was not a concern to these people after finding out we were addicts. I just want to put it out there, I dont know if after years they just grow partial to us addicts or if they hate us to begin with but i have never had a good experience being an addict in a hospital and i will always have to deal with that no matter how long i'm clean for, People are quick to judge us instead of help us. Its fucked up. I will always tell the doctors if i'm currently using or not because i want accurate care but am i going to get accurate help? Which one is the best option? To get the wrong diagnosis because they dont know im on drugs or to not get diagnosed at all because they judge me as an addict. Oh and not once did the doctor come into the room and ask us anything.

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