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Tough times don't last, tough people do.

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

Tough times don't last, tough people do.

My understanding is if you can out live your hard times to see better days your going to be a lot stronger in the end. Have you ever heard anyone say that they want to grow up too be weak. Hell no!!!! So go ahead and get through those tough times. And if you need any help along the way go ahead and talk to me personally. I would love to help you carry the weight of those little issues that come and go or even the big ones.

I have been through so much in my life and in those moments I did not think that i would make it at all. Like my daughter Nevaeh that passed away. In that very moment I died with her and I did not think that I would ever recover and to be honest I did not want to either. I wanted to waste away and be by her side. She was my baby girl, She IS my baby girl and I wanted to be with her so bad.

I came to the realization though that my family needs me too. My daughter Faith was 1 years old at the time. She loves me with all of her being and she was an amazing baby. I gave up on her for a year. I let my parents take her in their home 3 months after Nevaeh passed and I had relapsed on Meth and lost all control for 9 months. Up until I got pregnant again, It was on Nevaeh's birthday that I got clean and put myself in detox. Their father did not. About two weeks after I got out of detox, he finally cleaned up also. I stayed clean and sober for 5 years after that before another relapse.

I am a stronger person today than i ever was then. I learned something really amazing from that and I got a pretty hard lesson from it also. I learned about death and all the effects it has on you. Then I learned that life is short and I needed to value the people in it a lot more than I did. Which was a lesson I really needed to learn. I got Faith back on her 2nd birthday. She was the happiest I had seen her in awhile.

So there is a strength in every downfall that will grow inside of you, just like with your life. Don't let the negative things in your life bring you down, wake up every morning ready to take them head on because you want that strength and are ready to grow.

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