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All relationships don't last...

Sometimes there isn't anything you can do and you have to understand that it isn't what you did, it not because you weren't good enough, or because they didn't love you. It was just because that's not where their hearts home was. It hurts and it's unbearable at times and yes it's gonna feel like it's because you didn't do things correctly for some people, some people will think differently, just remember that it's not your fault EVER it's always on the other person's shoulder when they walk away from you. I got left for someone that had more money then me, a bigger house, a better job, but then can't measure up in some aspects cuz he kept trying to come get laid by me. So I thought it was because of me 100% but honestly it's not me it's him. I'll move on and so will you. Just next time, sit back, take 1 extra week before you decide to say hey I like this guy/girl or hey I want to say I love you to him/her. You might find out that you don't want to say those words anymore. I don't know it's all up to you, just take your time and know what you want and don't settle for less because your worth way more then that and I can guarantee there is someone out there that believes me when I say that all day long!!!!!

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