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All I Want For Christmas is a Valid Driver's License!

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

All I Want For Christmas is a Valid Driver's License!

I started with getting over 20,000$ of tickets on two different payment plans one at alliance one for 125$ and another with dynamic collectors. Then I paid for my SR22 insurance which is 139.00$ a month. After that I had to clear a couple outstanding warrants for wreckless driving and driving while suspended. So I called the courts and talked to them and reset my court dates and got my warrants cleared. One got added to my payment plan and the other was a reset court date. Then I went and passed my driver's test and knowledge test on the same day. I went to go pay my reinstatement fee and then they stated that I had a warrant as of June 10th and that I had to clear that warrant again. I finally got it all taken care of and then I go to the DMV and they keep telling me that I have a ticket or warrant stopping me which they were talking about the one I just fixed. It cleared up finally after a week or so and I was told I could go pay my reinstatement fee. I went to go pay it and waited for 3 hours while they tried to figure out why I couldn't reinstate my license. Come to find out I had 5 failure to appears in 5 different counties in Oregon stopping me. So now I'm going to have a total of 7 payment plans for 30,000$ worth of violations. So I called Beaverton, the nice man that answered the phone cleared 2 of my cases because it was from 2015 but then found one from 2020 that they turned into a ticket for me and had me put it on a 50$ a month payment plan every 25th of the month. I still have 3 more cases to call on in the Dalles, Clackamas and Multnomah. Oh and Clackamas said I needed to call collections so I'm going to do that tomorrow after work. Once those are resolved then I have to pay two different reinstatement fees and then I'll be able to get my license back finally.

One more thing getting in my way. An accident I got into awhile back that wasn't my fault honestly but since I automatically tried to run out of habit when I came back I realized how guilty that made me look. So now if I don't put them on a payment plan its going to be getting my dads license taken from him, I don't have the money for that since I just got my daughter back, I have no car to go make extra money now and I can barely make it to work right now. I wish life was a little bit more simple then it is.

If you think about it though honestly it is. All I have to really do is give every single one of those places a call and try to get my payments lowered and just call that insurance company already and see what they can do about me paying them back. Rather then running from all of it and hiding I can actually do something about it.

I can do this! And so can each and every one of you. It may be rough and bumpy but guess what? ITs fucking worth it man!!!

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