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The Reason Why I Won't Quit, I Can't Quit

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

The reason why I won't quit, I can't

We all have our paths we go down. Some are dark some our bright. I can only hope that yours is bright. At the same time, is it better in the long haul if they are dark? The reason why I won't quit, I can't quit is because of that post I posted up above. I will never give up on life or on the people in my life because what doesn't kill me is only going to make me stronger day in and day out.

Just think about it. Break-ups, losing someone close to you, a car accident, losing a job, and anything else tragic in your life. All those things will continue to add strength to your life and the way you handle things. It may not seem like it at the time but they do.

When I lost my daughter neveah it destroyed me. It didn't kill me though. With that being said, I have grown so much because of that. I cherish my relationships more. I love harder and I put more effort into my parenting. It took awhile for me to see those results. I was distraught and miserable in the beggining of losing her but with time, the pain became less and the strength started showing.

Every downfall that you have in life will do the same thing as long as you allow it to. Be semi greatful for those downfalls because that's what made you who you are today. That person you have become is worth living and enjoying the life you have. So don't give up, don't quit, you deserve to be here just as much as the next person.

If you have a hard time seeing the positive affects situations have on you, just message me. Tell me a little bit about your situation and I will help you find all the positives.

Thank you!

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