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3 reasons why they get paid a higher wage and 3 ways to change that for the better!

3 reasons why they get paid a higher wage and 3 ways to change that for the better!

Okay, so I have worked at this company for almost 3 years now and they recently within the last year got bought out by SAS retail I currently work for TNG which is under SAS retail. Well as soon as they got bought out people started getting hired on at $1.50 more an hour then what we used to start out at. I was enraged at first. Not only did the new hires get start out more than I make only me and one other person that I'm aware of didn't get the raise up to 17.50 an hour.

I started asking myself why? It's blamed on attendance but then again the people that start out as new hires have horses tendons than I do and when I did make my attendance better I still never got the raise. I have emailed my boss a few different times and her supervisor once. I either get the response that it is my attendance it needs to be improved or I get no response at all. Now when they say my attendance is horrific I get it 7 late in 6 months and around the same missed days. I'm sorry but to me that is not a legitimate reason to not make someone that you've had for years at least have the same wage as the people that just started. What's my incentive to continue with the company. I'm a hard worker, I learn quick, I'm very outgoing, and likable. The only thing that I have a problem with was my attendance due to family emergencies that were legitimate.

Now i was pulled aside by my supervisor the other day telling me that she's going to give me a 48 cent raise and then after that goes through she's going to make me a lead. And in return, I can make around the same amount as the new hires. The raise got booted three different times. I'm still not a lead. So they want to talk about having integrity and honesty and moving forward with me? I don't feel like it should be a one-way Street. I love my job and I dedicate myself to everything I do with excitement and enthusiasm and I get treated like a homeless person that just came off the street that cant understand how to read a schematic. Shit, half of the people don't even probably know what a schematic is.

Feeling unappreciated and not compensated properly for my efforts I decided to start doing some research. Still haven't found out if it's actually illegal or not but it is definitely happening everywhere. It's unfair and it's unjust.

So that was the hr's response to my email which is below.

Not my best email I've ever wrote before but I was getting a little upset at this point because I'd already wrote my boss a couple times and got no response.

Now going through all these steps and procedures and getting no results I decided to do that research that I was talking about earlier. I found out that there's an equal opportunity act in Oregon that makes it where they cannot discriminate you and pay you different wages just based off your demographics or anything like that and that doesn't apply to me. That may apply to somebody else so if you're having that issue go ahead and look that up. The link to the information on that will be at the bottom of this post.

So I finally just decided after not being able to figure out exactly if it was illegal or not to just stayed exactly what's going on with me and my wages. And voila it was right there,

Website after website of people complaining, giving resolutions, giving reasons, giving examples and everything anyone would need to know. And the three reasons why a company will start somebody out at a higher rate than you could be,

  1. A company has been bought out by another company and now have more funds to bring in more experienced employees at a higher rate per hour. Now if this is the case your best bet is just to sit down with your employer and speak about your thoughts on this situation. My suggestion would be to get a journal and write down all your accomplishments your attendance and anything that reflects your performance and your work ethics. Then after a few weeks of that redis summary of why you feel like your pay rate should be at least the same as the new hires. If that doesn't work then you have a really shitty employer.

  2. Performance and attendance. Now if this is the case then I'm sorry you just need to improve in areas and then go talk to your boss about your wages.

  3. Out earning and wage compression are two terms that they use for this happening. And this isn't necessarily A reason why it's happening but the rest of the reasons are going to be in this answer. Now normally when somebody's working a company for years they should be out earning the new hires because of their experience or skills. If somebody's getting hired on and they're making more than you step back and evaluate the situation and try to understand why because every company is going to have a different reason or a different situation that could be causing everything all together that you're not aware of.

So, now that that's been said let's continue on to the three things you could do to change that.

  1. Stay positive no matter what, stay positive, speak positive, be positive and positive will come your way. Now, you can't just be positive all the time and everything work out for you. You've got to put in a little work also. So lets step back and evaluate the situation. Ask yourself how your performance is. Ask yourself what you could do to improve. Now go get a journal and keep track of your accomplishments and achievements and anything good you've done for a few weeks. Now, not only will that show you where you can improve and help you build your skills. It will also give you a great starting point to that raise.

  2. Speak with the specialist and come up with the resolution if your wages our based off your demographics or anything that could point in an illegal direction towards the company and how they're treating you.

  3. Make an appointment with your supervisor put everything out on front Street. Make sure to bring your journal with your accomplishments and your work ethics and your efforts. If all else fails put in your two weeks notice.

Now, this is just some things based off a few different websites I read which I will post the websites at the bottom of this post (which is getting pretty close). Some of my suggestions and then my story and what brought me to writing this post. This is not any legal advice or anything set in stone it's just some opinions and suggestions that I read about. I would highly advise you to speak to a professional if you would like to pursue any legal actions. You're more than welcome to come or give me any constructive criticism or even add to my post if you would like to. I welcome everybody!

Today is November 26th 2022 I'm going to track everything I do for the next few weeks at work and then schedule an appointment with my supervisor. After that I will do a follow-up post and let you know how it went. I really do love my job and I do it happy and with enthusiasm and joy and it really sucks getting treated like this. So, go ahead and put all your complaints on this post in the comment section if you'd like to, because I'm right there with you. Hope everything works out for you and have a great rest of your day.

I'm out!!!

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