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Missing Person. Vancouver, Washington... please share this UPDATED!!

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

Missing Person Vancouver, Washington... please share this UPDATED!!

Well, I found my babies dad. It breaks my heart but he is sleeping under the i205 and just went to jail for arson. He caught his little make shift home on fire I guess. I don't know if he was trying to kill himself or what he was thinking. It is really depressing to see him like this. I wish there was something I could do. I can't fight his fight for him though. He has to do it when he is ready. My boyfriend and I do go take him food and stuff though whenever we can.

What's even more sad, is that when he was walking to Chevron with us he stopped and gave money I just gave him to someone holding a sign asking for money. Later I found it he gave him the shirt he was wearing because he didn't have one. Next, we walk passed this guy sitting in a folding chair outside a minute mart and he said, "hey, I hope you were able to _______. Have a good rest of your day" I don't remember exactly what he said. My point is, this man is very kind hearted and has so much room for love and concern for others. He is a Christian and his dad was a pastor and his grandpa was an elder. You would think he wouldnt end up like this, with no help and no love from his family. They believe it is just drugs. That's not the case. He has a mental illness and deserves to get the help. I don't know what else to do besides cry when no one is around. I miss the person he was so much. I'm terrified he will never come back to reality.

Oh I almost forgot. When we went and saw him that day also out of no where he yelled, "Dennis turn the polarity up I can't get this fire started. Positive! Negative! Negative! Positive!" I just left it alone. You can't really get a real conversation with him but I did ask him not to sign the kids over for adoption. His mom is trying to take them from me completely. He didn't respond to me asking that so I continued to speak and tell him about what was going on with that. He stopped me and said, " you'll get them, don't worry." I was taken aback, it made me cry. I want him back in reality.

Christopher Mark Rew SR. Age 32

Last seen at Orchards Park in Vancouver, Washington.

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He has a mental illness and doesn't know reality from the real world anymore he has paranoid schizophrenia. He used to be a drug addict but won't take the drugs anymore because he thinks the drugs are drugged and it may sound funny but it's not. Imagine living in his shoes. Imagine feeling like someone or more then one person is out to get you constantly. Every once in awhile being able to understand that these things might not be real but they feel real to you.

He use to love a normal life with 3 children with me. He was an amazing father and took good care of his kids.

Our daughter passing away took a huge toll on him. His mom said she hasn't heard from him in weeks and it's been even longer for me. He never goes this long without at least trying to see his boys or call his mom. It takes a lot for me to worry about him because I remember the man that can take care of himself but I have to remember he can't anymore and it's getting cold outside.

I need to know he is okay and if I can find him at least give him my car to sleep in or something. He isnt a danger to my family at all but he is a danger to my sobriety if he does relapse. So I can't bring him to my home. I want to help him though and get him off the streets.

He has such a huge heart. We were together for 8 years and he used to house homeless people and feed them and give them clothes. He would do anything for anyone no matter what they had to offer. He worked hard and loved harder. I need to find him and make sure he is okay. Will everyone please keep an eye out or at the very least share this post and get the word out.

Just because someone has a mental health illness doesn't mean they need to be forgotten about and pushed aside. Yes, they are difficult to handle sometimes but at times like this you wish you would of gone through those hard times. That's gonna be my new quote.

Everyone deserves a chance to see their kids grow up and have children no matter what state of mind they are in and his kids love him dearly. Our oldest son Chris Jr. loves his dad so much and always says the cutest things like, "I'm an upgraded version of my dad. I have better hair. I look better. I'm just better." He is only 11 years old and his dad gets a kick out of it. When his kids are around that is the only thing that is on his mind unless his paranoia gets to bad. I had so much more written on here and it erased it. Well I'm going to go back through all of that again and try to remember everything that I said. What I am going to do is give you an idea of what it is like to be around Chris. So the last time that I saw him was actually father's day I believe; I had Kylar and had rushed back to drop him off because I knew that he would want to see our son on fathers day. Well, chris had come to the car to try to say hi to my daughter Faith, which he had raised until she was 7 but again when I went to prison her real dad had taken her and didn't give her back till right before I got out. The way he did it also, was by dropping her off with my dad and and basically disowning her afterwards and blocking her on my facebook when she tried to say merry christmas. It was fucked up. Anyways, off topic! Help me find Chris please help me find my babies dad.

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