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Should I? Or Shouldn't I?

Should I? Or Shouldn't I?

So, originally this was going to be about going to a Kevin Gates concert. I already paid for the ticket but the last time I went, well you most likely already know since I posted a blog about it. Then, I came up with a brilliant idea. I'm going to create a place on my website that helps you decide what to do when you have a should I or shouldn't I question.

Should I go out with him or shouldn't I? Then you can either go with the answer or not, that decision is completely up to you. Should I break up with him or shouldn't I? Should I wear these pants or shouldn't I? Well life just got easier "Ask Nikki!!!!"

Watch for it because I am going to add something to that affect soon. I think it would be awesome. Could I be wrong? Hell yes, but I'm banking on no.

So you know when your having a hard time deciding what to do so you decide to go ask someone? Then as soon as you ask them and they give you an answer you realize what you truly want to do. It happens to me all the time. In my opinion, I believe it is because you actually think it all through and put the scenario in play in your mind. Then, ah ha you got it. At that point you usually know what the correct decision would be. So don't completely rely on me and go with your gut. It's usually the right way, 99.9% of the time.

Anyways, if you happen to need help deciding what to do go ahead and "ask Nikki" or use my decision maker if I have it on my site by then.

It is not going to have answers like an 8 Ball but it will definitely be close to it. Maybe answers like yes and no or even random ratings and picking a number between the two numbers that you choose. That way you will have some type of help right at your finger tips, if applicable, you will have an answer. Maybe not the correct one but depending on what you believe in, it might be the best one. Now, without further a due I'm going to get started on this because I'm excited to say the least. I am one indecisive mother F****r.


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