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Kevin Gates Concert! The Roseland Theater sucks a$$ though not Kevin Gates!

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

Kevin Gates Concert! The Roseland Theater sucks a$$ though not Kevin Gates!

I'm not going to lie, what i expected to what I experienced was the complete opposite. I don't know if you wonder the same things that I do by any means. Like, is this person an asshole? Would it be awkward to meet them or easy going? If you would be scared or nervous? Well, I had the chance to finally answer all those questions for myself. I got to meet Kevin gates in a one on one video call, that btw they only allow 60 seconds. Now, I am grateful to have had even one second with Kevin Gates but my overall experience with the meet and greet ticket, that I paid 167.00$ total for, was a 2 Star Rating. I left the concert early and didn't enjoy myself. I enjoyed the music and artists that had performed but not anything else surrounding that ticket. Let's start from the beginning.

First of all, no where did it say that we would only get 60 seconds with Kevin Gates. I guess I wouldn't want to advertise that either due to the fact that it would make people shy away from purchasing them. Now I can only speak for myself but I am very disappointed that I spent 167$ dollars for that little bit of time. It might of been a good thing also. I might of said some fucked up shit and embarrassed myself. Who knows. Thats a sweet pay rate though, 167$ an hour. I cried afterwards like a little bitch because i felt cheated somehow. I'm not trying to be ungrateful by any means. There is billions of people in this world that will never get the opportunity to meet someone famous and I know that and I'm very grateful to have had the chance. With that being said, it was very hard to enjoy the any and all of the events surrounding that ticket. Oh and the thing that disappointed me the most honestly. is that I had gotten an email that said I needed to arrive at 6:15pm because I am V.I.P and that along with the meet and greet pass giving me V.I.P access, I would get early entry and a merch pack. The only thing that I got was kicked out of the V.I.P line and put in the General Admissions line where I did not get early entry and almost didn't get the merch pack. I definitely wasted my time standing in that line for 2 hours when I could have been getting ready more or anything else really. I really wish I would've handled my emotions better and enjoyed the show a lot more than I did. The only part that I really enjoyed was the performance. Kevin Gates rocked it. He was fucking hilarious. Him up on stage and the passion, the theoretical part that he plays is on point and I will never get that show out of my head. It is one of the best experiences in my life and I absolutely loved it. Everything else surrounding that was a shit show for me. I honestly had a hard time walking into that concert with my head up and excited. It was a shitty feeling. I'm not the only one that they turned away from the VIP access and merch pack (I can not remember what else they offered) and that right there was a huge disappointment. So I could of paid 40$ instead of 167$ or just not missed out on a nights of work.

On a better note, I loved the concert. Gan51ejune ( was an opener and so was DDG. Gan51ejune seemed to have a lot of downfalls in his past but brought himself up. I was able to relate to a lot of his songs and that was cool, One of DDG's songs I have been listening to on Spotify for a minute now and didn't realize that when he was on stage. I just noticed that like a week afterwards when I searched him on Spotify. I just thought that was awesome and thought I would share. To be honest though I feel like DDG might be kind of rude and I think that because he made it where no one can message him on Instagram and that just makes it seem like he doesn't want to hear from his fans. He is a great artist though and I could 100% be wrong.

Despite the fact of the unfortunate events, i really enjoyed the concert and it happened to be what got me out of a bad habit. Right after kevin gates came on i started to get sick and had to leave. AMEN TO KEVIN GATES and GANG51EJUNE, i felt so bad becuase i wanted to be there more then anything that i threw away an addiction i never thought i could again. He may never read this but he saved my life.

Thank you man!!!! you and gang51 are the best artist out there. The struggle is real especially for me. I cant seem to stay out of trouble. 6 years in prison, addictions, stealing cars, and i thought i was done but i guess not. At least you guys got me off a bad habit. That im forever grateful for.

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