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Free gift sent personally by In My Opinion for members of my website 2 randomly selected individuals

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

Free gift sent personally by In My Opinion for members of my website 2 randomly selected individuals

So like I said I'm new at this. I'm reaching out to my members and anyone else who signs up in the future.

Free gift sent personally by In My Opinion for members of my website 2 randomly selected individuals

My first free gift is going to be a 25$ Amazon gift card. I'm going to create a list of all the members and randomly select two people. There is only one requirement and that's to be a member who subscribes to my blog. There is no catch. I just want to thank you for helping me out and viewing my posts.

Once the selected individuals receive their gift card I'd greatly appreciate it if you would take a picture of it with or without you and comment on her with that picture. I value my subscribers and readers With that being said, I'd love to get suggestions on what you would like the gift to be next month. Oh, and if I email you the gift card and if you are willing to send a picture, you could always send a picture of the product purchased or possibly the subject line just showing everyone that you did in fact receive the gift card. There are so many websites that say free this and free that and then you can never reach the end of the tasks they give you and it always cost you money. That's not what this is.

Also, if you don't shop on Amazon then you can select a 25$ gift card of your liking. I can either email the gift card to be used online or send it in the mail, your choice. Personally, I don't think it's worth my time when I see advertisements for a free 5$ Amazon gift card. There isn't that much to buy for 5$. I don't feel like 25$ is significant enough to purchase something all that amazing either. It is free though. You'll also have more luck finding something you like for 25$ or to add to a purchase that you were already going to go through with anyways.

If you are not a member, signing up is free and I will not spam your inbox. The only emails being sent are when I post a new blog. I made sure to subscribe right along side with you so that I could see what happens and if anything needed changed. So I get the same emails as you do. That way it prevents me from losing you as an appreciated member to my blog also because I see how many emails are being sent out and if it's becoming to much.

One more announcement, I'm adding a new page to my blog. I've always enjoyed reading interesting facts about random things. So I decided that I would share them with you. I'm going to create a daily fact page that is going to give you the opportunity to learn interesting facts, earn money, and win gift cards. There is going to be weekly quizzes with prizes like the one I posted this week you can win either a 5$ gift card or 5$ towards your next purchase with me. I'm going to post some good websites that I use to earn money from home. And much more.

I also came across new tools for identity theft so that article will be posted soon. That's it for now.

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30 août 2021


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