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Can you believe this? Something you need to know about this company Spocket.

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

Can you believe this? Something you need to know about this company This company Spocket took about 700$ out of my account in 2 days. I couldn't believe it. They are a dropshipping company that is supposed to help you get started with your business and instead they rob me blind. Took the last of the money that I had. They still continue to try to take money out of my account. So, watch out for them.

I called and talked to costumer service and absolutely no help. Oh and ive never signed up for this companies services either. This is going to be a short post but ill update it when i have time. Just needed to make everyone aware. Also, be careful about having cards connected to PayPal because that's how they did it.

Have a wonderful day!!!! And screw you spocket!!!!

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Nikki Marie
Nikki Marie
Jul 10, 2022

Thank you and I got it back. I listened to your advice.


Jan 28, 2022

If U didn't authorize them to take the money stay on PayPal ass about it...They should get your$$ back .

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