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How do i get my identity back after its been stolen?

Updated: May 30, 2021

There is so little that the cops can do that honestly i never even called them. If you would like to go ahead im not saying dont call them im simply saying i feel like there is nothing they can do with no proof and the fact that im an ex con. They dont wanna help me anyways. What i did learn on my own though is that the best way to learn how to prevent something from happening is to imagine what you would have to do to have that thing happen to you. Like, lets say i wanted to prevent my car being stolen. What would a car theif be looking for and doing? A well dark area, little traffic, no cameras, no house lights on, needs keys or tools to get in and a clear path out of the spot they are in with no random lights or noises going off to wake anyone up. So to prevent? Park in a well lit area, leave your living room light on ( but change the light that you leave on every night so they dont notice its normal for bedtime routine). Put stuff behind your car to make it harder to get out. So many different ways to prevent that now lets look at identity theft and how to get yourself back.


First, you are gonna need to create an account on the social security website.

1) : On there it will show you your wages earned since the first year you started working and a couple other things. Kinda cool actually.

2).You are going to want to sign up for all 3 credit bureaus and if you already have go through and change your passwords and make sure they are secure.

-Transunion has two different login options, one for monitoring your credit and one for freezing Transunion and handling disputes.

3). You will want to file a report to the 3 bureaus about your credit and have all three put a freeze on your information so that no one can access it or get any accounts under your name and also make sure you only dispute information if the information you are giving them is completely accurate because if it isn't and they decide to keep it on your credit then for some reason your date starts all over from the day that you first opened the account. So be cautious not to dispute something that is incorrected and you will be perfectly fine.

Credit bureau contact information:

4.) If you don't want to freeze your credit you can call the 3-bureaus and put a password on your file to make it where every time someone tries to open up an account with your name they call you and ask for that password. Now my mom had that for years and I'm not sure if there is any limit to that or anything so i would ask when you call if anything is able to get through.

5.) also you can go here and see if your information was leaked by Equifax because if it was and something happened to you, and you have documentation you are able to file a claim and can receive up to 20.000$ for your losses.

6.) Get a free copy of your credit report

7.) Also create an account at and they will give you step by step plan to help you along the way.

8.) I'm going to continue adding as I go along and do more research....and I'll add it to the title if I edit.....

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