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UPDATED 6/27/2021 Do you really know who you can trust? Stolen Identity continued....

Updated: Jun 27, 2021

So i showed up at that house after i got a message saying that the house that my ID was getting sent to, had people on the property. As soon as i pull up i get out and start walking towards the neighbors and immediately stopped. I don't want to turn the heat on them so i go back to my car. I also don't want that house to see me right away and take off because i know they will recognize me if they are the ones that ordered my ID. There is an older male using a weed wacker, an older women weeding the yard, and then a lady probably in her 30's digging through the truck of her vehicle on the side of the house. It just screams tweaker. I had been there already for about 3 min so i said f**k it and decided to walk across the street. As soon as i get over there, the f**king cops show up. Like wtf why did someone have to call the cops? It was honestly probably the neighbors that called me which is super upsetting because she knew i wanted to handle it all on my own already. so I turn around and walk away as i hear the lady cop ask her what she was doing there today. I walked to my car and stood there and waited. As soon as the officer left she looked at me glaring over there and pointed at me and gestures that she was going to come around. WEIRD but okay. Then, the older lady across the street started to take pictures of me. So i yelled. "What do you need updated pictures for my ID that you stole from me or something?" She was not in shock at all when i said that and they all knew who i was. This is at about 20 minutes of being there. Then the cop gets over to me and tells me to quit yelling. I told her that we were fine that my homegirl and i just got into an argument. Even though i've never met this girl a day in my life. The last thing i wanted though was to have the cops get involved and for me to have my stuff not get found and just go to someone else to be used in the future when im least expecting it. So the cop asks me if i'm the lady that had my identity stolen. I was livid!! SOMEONE ALREADY TOLD HER. HOW COULD THEY? IT'S NOT THEIR STORY TO TELL. So she finished with saying there is nothing we can really do about it but go ahead and freeze your credit for 7 years and BLAH BLAH BLAH......As she is saying all this stuff my homie finally rolls by and stops and so does like 3 other cops on the other side of the street where the other cop was before. so my friend (lets call him bob) bob walks up after almost 30 to 40 minutes later when I'm possibly getting arrested it looks like to everyone but me. Or I'm telling. no one knows. Anyways, were standing their and all of a sudden this mother fucker that can barely ever see shit recognizes this bitch from a distance and starts yelling her name. Lets call her Stacey. So Bob is yelling for Stacey and she is acting like she can't tell who he is, right? Well Bob is telling me this is Stacey and i know her brother and He has known her for 20 years and she is into identity theft. He also said that he will make sure to get this taken care of for me. Then Stacey realizes who he is and tells him that he can go over there but i can't. I told him that was perfectly fine and got in my car and followed the cops out. Only because the cops told me to leave and not to go back. Bob called me 20 minutes later saying that Stacey didn't know anything about my ID and if she found it she would give it back to him. Also that if i was a little bit nicer she would of just gave it to me instead. I caught on to that part real quick but didn't say anything about it. His "phone died" and I went to work after sending a really long message telling him how much of a trader he was. He said that he believes she had nothing to do with it. When any good investigator would tell you that she is the #1 suspect and most likely the one that did it. First clue, she does identity theft. Second clue, the ID got sent to her house. Third clue, I've never met her but she recognized me. Forth clue, she gave him the ID to give back to me the next day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to be continued.........

I get a call about 2 hours after I get to work and Bob tells me that Stacey brought him the ID for 100$. That he had to pay to get it back. Now when this first went down apparently she had brought it to the hotel he was staying at, then he said she had met him somewhere. Now that we haven't talked in awhile, when I had seen him he had brought it up and said she met him at his buddies house. So 3 different stories out of that mans mouth and you want me to be able to say that I can trust you. I think not. Someone like that deserves to be walked away from with no explanation what so ever and left at that. I can't believe half the shit that has gone down and I'm starting to believe it was him or that he was involved in some way shape or form.

I decided to do a background check on her identity theft, Identity Theft, Identity Theft, Identity Theft, DWS Driving while suspended, No license on person, oh and way more counts of Identity Theft and you want to tell me that Stacey (fake name) didn't do it. Just wanted to put a reminder that all the names I put in here and everywhere pretty much besides my kids are I, are going to be fake to protect their privacy, whether they wanted to steal mine or not. I'm just not that kind of person to anyone. One thing I did find out is that her Boyfriend is a cop. Tell me how that works, and people wonder why I don't like calling the cops or talking to them for any reason what so ever. That is why right there, most of them are just as screwed up as we are.

In that background check I also saw that she was an informant and liked to open her mouth to the police. Now the second I saw that I called my buddy and you know what he said? First, he wanted proof. I gave it to him. Then he told me that he was going to fuck her up because not only is she a liar but she had of been this whole time and done some fucked up shit to me. ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? You just want it to sound good. Now, I have my ID back and still have people trying to mess with my credit. Just because she gave my friend my ID back doesn't mean that she doesn't have my social, address, name and ID number written down on something else. Which could be all she needed it for, was to have my address show up as hers and to see what my ID number actually was. Now she has just about every little bit of very important information that she needs about me to do whatever she pleases with. Now I'm going to continue to add to this with any update information and if you have any questions feel free to comment and I will answer back. I'm going to add to this section of Blog's about how to prevent your Identity from being stolen and also how to retrieve it when it gets stolen. I spend a couple hours every other day looking up different websites and clicking on every single link to find out new information to help people out like myself. I thought who's better then myself to find out everything that I can about it due to the fact that I have a lot of motivation. I was finally bringing my credit score up and I had gotten it up 66 points in 3 months I was so happy about that. I'm determined to keep going and to figure out how to prevent and protect my credit from future thieves. So go to my next post to learn more. And if anything becomes of my Identity getting stolen it will be posted on this website immediately. Thank you. Please subscribe and go down to the bottom of one of the pages and follow me. I'd love to have you a part of my family while I'm slowly moving up. I'm determined so I know it will happen sooner or later.

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