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How a burnt down house happens to be where my Identity is at...DONE EDITTING AS OF 6/27/2021

Updated: Jun 27, 2021

Well, I don't know about that title to be honest. Just kind of throwing it out there. Anyways. My Identity was stolen recently/years ago/who fucking cares when, I just want it back. You know I have not had this much self motivation in my life before and it wasn't easy finding that motivation

by any means. So when I went onto my express account to check to see if my tickets were all cleared off my license so that I could get my license back sometime soon I saw something that said view your temporary license. So I'm thinking to myself, why the fuck do I have a temporary license if I haven't gotten a new ID recently? so i click on it and check it out and come to find out someone has changed my address, my weight, and my height. I'm a short and tiny little thing and this person is gonna say that I'm 185 pounds??? I believe thick is beautiful but honey stealing from me isn't. So I obviously was able to see what address they were having MY ID sent to so.............I'll continue later with what happened because there is a lot and it is going to keep going for awhile. I'm going to go to bed everyone. good night!!!!!!!!!!! Now when stuff like this happens to me I'm sorry but I don't jump on the phone and call the cops. Most people will even people that say they wont. mainly because its their credit and social security number and they would get screwed if they didn't. How I found out that my they even got an ID under my name was an accident. I went onto the DOL website to see if I was able to get my license back yet and realized that it said that I could view my temporary ID that was just recently order. So I clicked on it and started reading through it and saw that they were sending my ID to an address that I had never heard of before and that I recently became 185 lbs. and 5'10".....I'm 5'1" and 110 lbs. soaking wet. Like come on guys at least look me up on Facebook and see what I look like now. Which i have a feeling that they might of already known that part also. When I saw their address I didn't really care to do anything because I thought about it and well I have 44 felony points, 2 warrants that they are arresting me on right now because of Covid and horrible credit. Well didn't you just go and pick a winner to steal the identity of? Then I got a letter in the mail saying that someone had fraudulently filed for my taxes. That's when I decided to go and check out the house. One of my friends said that they would go for me because they didn't want me getting hurt. well guess what? I have fought dudes bigger then any of the guys that bitch has ever gotten and he must be desperate to keep her around that's for sure. Hours later my friend still hadn't gone there and I was pissed that he isn't letting me go in the first place so I just went anyways. This was after he already told me that they house was occupied by 5 guys. which I don't think he got that info from reverse directory I think he already had that knowledge. So I show up and the house is vacant and unoccupied. Later on I ended up finding out that they check the mail every day and also that they show up in a white and black car every and that they are in and out of that house all the time. So we ended up leaving and going down to the post office to see if we could stop my ID from showing up there and they said they would keep an eye out for it. About one week later I receive a call from little birdie saying that they are in fact home and one is out there with a chainsaw or something and she wanted to let me know. So what do I do? I clicked back over to my buddy and let him know and I take off from my daughters. I was supposed to be heading to work but honestly I felt like this was more important. On the way there all I kept thinking was, what was I going to say and do? Should I just walk right up? Then she would probably either One, not recognize me if she didn't do it. Or two, start fighting immediately because she does know who I am and does recognize me and if there is men their and Larry doesn't show up then I'm for sure screwed because I may have fought dudes before but I'm not going to be able to take more then one to two weak males on a good day. Well I probably could it just depends I guess. Then if its all females then its on. I know I got this then. Even if it is males I need to walk up with confidence and act like nothing could stop me. That's going to be the key here. Fuck my Warrants, Fuck the Cops, Just get my shit back and let them know I know who they are. I got this and the biggest thing I'm scared of is the cops getting called and me going to jail. That means no more mother for my children again, anymore. So lets do this quick and painless. To be continued. Look for my up coming post, Do you know who you can trust?

This picture above is a picture of what the lady put my weight and my height to. when indeed I am 112lbs and 5 foot 1 inch. So anyone should see that the lady at that house fits the description on the document. Which is what I looked like I weighed when I worked at construction pipeline in 2010 and also what I look like I weigh in my picture on my ID due to the fact that it was taken after spending a year in county jail. So the thief could of gotten it from there also. So I can't just assume but EVERYTHING is pointing to that one person. Read my next post for the full explanation on that.

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