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5 Best investments to triple your money in just a few months..

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

5 Best investments to triple your money in just a few months..

Are you worried about your assets that are invested in the stock market?

Not sure what to invest your money into? Well, you came to the right place to figure that out.

By the end of this blog you will have a few ideas of companies to invest into, why you should invest and the tools to do it. Let's get started.

Right now, I have invested into multiple different stocks but where most of my money is gone is Bitcoin, ETH and ETH2. And that's because I've done my research. I love to do research. Especially on topics that I enjoy as much as I enjoy making free money so to speak. So I started reading and clicking from website to website finding out every little bit of information that I needed to complete the big picture in my head. So, where do you start?

1.a. Ethereum

The number one cryptocurrency investestment as of right now is Ethereum. Why is that? Ethereum is the first programmable money in the world. Programmable money is real money represented in digital form, as known as tokens, that is hosted on a blockchain. ETH is programmable money, storing instructions on the blockchain that self execute when certain conditions are met. Those are called smart contracts. Ethereum is bigger then Bitcoin. Bitcoin only allows users to send money to one another but as it sits ETH is improving and also have a project called ETH2 in progress at the moment.

1.b. ETH2

is separated from ETH. It also happens to be a ETH project that is in the works. By the end of 2022 ETH will go from proof of work (PoW) to proof of stake (PoS) so ETH will no longer need miners to solve algorithmic puzzles to validate transactions on the blockchain ledger and create new coins.

Since it's in the process of improvements, Coinbase (my highly recommended stocks buy, trade and sell application) has made it to where you can collect 5% interest on ETH2 without the option of withdrawing your assets. As soon as ETH2 is launched you will be able to buy,sell and trade your assets like you can with any of the rest of them. You can also earn a few dollars on a specific stocks occasionally add new assets to their app. ( so you don't even really need to add any of your own hard earned money if you don't want to. Trust me though. You'll definitely want to. I have tripled my investments since I joined coinbase around march 2021. I'll post another blog all about coinbase and my review on them soon.

Some of the biggest companies in the world are using Eth at the moment. ING Grouo. A Dutch multinational bank with more then $1.1 trillion in assets currently uses Ethereum to settle payments, bilateral lines of credit and trading documents. TD Ameritrade part of a discount broker Charles Schwab Corp is also using ETH to facilitate smart contract future trades. I wish I would have decided to do this a couple weeks earlier cuz I've read article about ETH and the fact that they are expecting Ethereum to be bigger than Bitcoin. So are you ready for a few more suggestions on where to invest your hard earned money?

2. MercadoLibre. They are a e-commerce business that have not only boomed in their industry they have their own PayPal like digital payment arm called MercadoPago. That shows signs of being proactive and advancing as technology advances. Capitalizing on opportunities, as would say. They have gained more then $1,800 over the past decade.

3. Redfin- According to The Motley Fool, Redfin has their own team of real estate agents that charge lower fees then mainstream realtors. Apparently, since they opened in 2006 customers have saved nearly $1 billion.

Consider, for example, that Zillow was recently valued near $38 billion, while Redfin is still near $7.9 billion. Redfin's recent price-to-sales ratio of 7.8 is likewise lower than Zillow's 9.9. This company appears to be well-positioned for further growth, with a management team ready and able to capitalize on opportunities that come along.

4. Teladoc Health-

This company seems to still be doing well even as the pandemic settles down. They have doubled their revenue to $1.1 billion and their visits have tripled. Teladoc expanded with a diabetic monitoring product and are speaking of addressing products for high blood pressure and obesity. So with that they definitely have more room to keep making your investment into them worth it.

I'm going to add a 5th one on here,

5. Bitcoin.

It may not be new but In my opinion, Bitcoin was the beginning of this all. So continue supporting them. Knowing what the founder was initially capable of goes to show you that they might just surprise you one day soon.

Next up, I'm going to touch bases on when to buy and when to sell. I researched for hours and days, on top of experience and asking questions. I have a lot of information to spill in front of you.

Thank you

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